Govt, MDF launches final rehab projects in Nias
Nias, North Sumatra – Five years after the magnitude-8.8 earthquake that devastated the North Sumatra island of Nias, the central government and Multi Donor Fund of the World Bank launched Friday their last three projects on rehabilitation and reconstruction program in the area.
The projects, worth US$24 million, comprise Nias Islands Transition Project, Nias Islands Rural Access and Capacity Building Program (RACBP) and Nias Livelihood and Economic Development Program (LEDP).
Backed by the UN Development Program and Home Affairs Ministry, the transition project aims to prepare the local government and people to take over and maintain the assets, which were built by the Aceh-Nias Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Agency (BRR).
The BRR operation ended in April last year.
The MDF will end its program in 2012.
The RACBP is dedicated to build basic infrastructure, including village roads and bridges, as well as train local people to maintain it. The project is jointly executed by the International Labor Organization and the Ministry of Disadvantaged Regions. Â
The last project aims to boost economic activities of the local people, focusing on cocoa and rubber plantations, rice and vegetable production as well as livestock. The World Bank is assisting the Ministry of Disadvantaged Regions to implement the LEDP.
“It is time for Nias government, people and NGOs to build the region by themselves. The central government will continue supervising the construction and training local people to maintain their assets,” director of local government and special autonomy at the Home Affairs Ministry, Soni Sumarsono, said during the project launch at Nias regent office in Gunungsitoli.
Nias regional secretary R.E. Nainggolan said that the regency administration would fully support the final projects.
MDF has a total 14 rehab and construction projects worth $115 million in Nias since 2005. (The Jakarta Post, 30 July 2010)