
Govt, MDF launches final rehab projects in Nias

Saturday, July 31, 2010
By nias

Nias, North Sumatra – Five years after the magnitude-8.8 earthquake that devastated the North Sumatra island of Nias, the central government and Multi Donor Fund of the World Bank launched Friday their last three projects on rehabilitation and reconstruction program in the area. The projects, worth US$24 million, comprise Nias Islands Transition Project, Nias... »

RCHN-NTU Visits Pulau Nias

Thursday, January 14, 2010
By nias
RCHN-NTU Visits Pulau Nias

Pulau Nias was hit by both Asian Tsunami and Sumatra earthquake in 2004 and 2005 respectively. As part of our official mission trip to Pulau Nias, we had a chance to talk to the locals as they shared their experience on coping with the aftermath of both disasters. »

Little things still matter

Monday, December 21, 2009
By nias

THE modest grey bricked building looks a world away from its counterpart across road, where shiny blue glass panes are framed by freshly scrubbed walls. »

Indonesia: Toilets and tap stands change lives in Nias

Saturday, August 1, 2009
By nias
Indonesia: Toilets and tap stands change lives in Nias

*A Red Cross water and sanitation programme on Nias Island is making a dramatic difference to the daily lives of local. By Ahmad Husein, Communications Coordinator, IFRC Jakarta, Indonesia Sabaria Lasse, 49, always looks enthusiastic every time people asking about her new latrine. It is a half brick and wood construction situated behind her... »

Medair Closes Indonesia Programme

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
By nias

Indonesia – After three years of rehabilitation work to provide access to health services, and clean water and sanitation to thousands of people in Aceh Jaya and Nias Island, Medair has now successfully completed its Indonesian programme. »

UNICEF’s 4th year support in Nias, Indonesia

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
By borokoa
UNICEF’s 4th year support in Nias, Indonesia

* marked by an inauguration of new child-friendly school The inauguration of the newest and largest child-friendly school marked the fourth year of UNICEF support after Indonesia's Nias earthquake. »

President calls for continuation of BRR`s unfinished work

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
By nias

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has asked that unfinished jobs left behind by the Nias-Aceh Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR) should be continued. »

Four Years After the Tsunami, BRR’s Task Is Done. Well, Almost

Friday, April 17, 2009
By nias

Banda Aceh. A number of homes still remain unfinished, but at 10 a.m. on Thursday, the nameplate of the Aceh-Nias Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency, or BRR, was taken down from its office in Lueng Bata, as scheduled. »

Quake-Damaged Hospital Reopens on Nias Island

Friday, April 3, 2009
By nias

State-run Gunungsitoli Hospital on Nias Island in North Sumatra Province, which was heavily damaged in a 2005 earthquake, reopened on Thursday after a major reconstruction project. »

Indonesia: Hotline 26 Mar 2007

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
By nias

Today, Nur Iman Gulo has a small shop and lots of customers, thanks to help from Church World Service. The simple building that serves as the shop and the home for her family of seven — including four kids and her mother-in-law — is located in Tegideu village, Sirombu, Nias Island, reports Lesvi Roselim,... »

Survey finds Nias survivors feel abandoned

Sunday, December 24, 2006
By nias

Ary Hermawan, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta Eight out of every 10 people in Nias, North Sumatra, are unsatisfied with the rehabilitation and reconstruction work in the tsunami-ravaged region, according to a survey. The Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) found that only 21 percent of 419 Nias respondents saw improvement in the construction of main roads,... »

Britain is slowest to pay out tsunami aid

Sunday, December 24, 2006
By nias

By Sebastien Berger, South East Asia Correspondent The British Government has the worst record for honouring pledges to help to rebuild the area worst affected by the Boxing Day tsunami, it emerged yesterday. As the second anniversary of the disaster approaches, the Government has only given a fifth of the money it pledged to... »

The Boxing Day Tsunami Two Years Later

Saturday, December 23, 2006
By nias

Thang D. Nguyen 22 December 2006 Two years after one of the world’s worst natural disasters, Indonesia has made some unlikely gains but corruption and red tape still leave their scars . Sometimes a tragedy is the very thing that triggers progress. This is true in the case of Indonesia, one of the most-affected... »

Post -Tsunami reconstruction: 2 years on

Saturday, December 23, 2006
By nias

Brussels, 20 December 2006 – Two years after the tsunami hit South East Asia, the European Union (EU) and the international community have successfully made the transition from providing immediate humanitarian aid to reconstruction aid: helping local authorities and communities re-establish their lives within a longer term vision – re-building homes, livelihoods and infrastructure... »

How tragic tsunami beach rose again

Wednesday, December 13, 2006
By nias
How tragic tsunami beach rose again

Two years ago, the tiny Indonesian village of Sorake Beach captured the hearts of Star readers after it was devastated by the Boxing Day tsunami. Richard Heath tells how Star readers’ cash has helped transform the settlement. »

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