Disbudpar Rekrut Putra-Putri Nisel Jadi Duta Wisata

NIASONLINE, JAKARTA – Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Nias Selatan menggelar acara pencarian putra-putri terbaik yang akan difungsikan untuk keperluan promosi budaya dan wisata daerah Nias Selatan (Nisel). »
Preserving local culture
Nias, an island to the west of Sumatra, is known as home to a living megalithic culture with its iconic hombo batu (stone jumping) tradition portrayed in an Rp 1,000 banknote in the early 1990s. »
Flight Information Update
Nias Online has just contacted Medan Merpati Office and been informed of the air carrier’s daily flight times serving the following route: Polonia (Medan) -> Binaka (Gunungsitoli). The Medan Merpati Office contact number is also privided. Please click on the “Flight Information” button on the top menu or on the right side of this... »
Flight Information
Due to a number of enquiries from visitors, Nias Online contacted two airlines operating in Nias: Merpati and SMAC (Sabang Merauke Air Charter) and received the flight information which can be accessed by clicking on the FLIGHT INFORMATION button in the menu bar. »
Indonesia’s quake-hit surfers’ paradise hopes for a break
Bhimanto Suwastoyo Teluk Dalam, Indonesia, 28 March 2006 12:30 At deserted Sorake Beach on Indonesia's earthquake-devastated island of Nias, a few local surfers paddle out at sea, looking back at a bay blighted by desolate, half-ruined buildings. After an 8,7-magnitude quake shook the island a year ago, killing more than 850 people and flattening... »