
Disbudpar Rekrut Putra-Putri Nisel Jadi Duta Wisata

Monday, November 4, 2013
By susuwongi
Disbudpar Rekrut Putra-Putri Nisel Jadi Duta Wisata

NIASONLINE, JAKARTA – Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Nias Selatan menggelar acara pencarian putra-putri terbaik yang akan difungsikan untuk keperluan promosi budaya dan wisata daerah Nias Selatan (Nisel). »

Gempa Aceh Pekan Lalu Diprediksi Bakal Picu Gempa dan Tsunami di Padang

Thursday, April 19, 2012
By susuwongi
Gempa Aceh Pekan Lalu Diprediksi Bakal Picu Gempa dan Tsunami di Padang

NIASONILINE, JAKARTA – Meski cuma prediksi, tampaknya masyarakat di pesisir barat Pulau Sumatera, khususnya Sumatera Barat perlu melakukan antisipasi. Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana mengungkapkan, gempa Aceh dengan kekuatan 8,5 SR pekan lalu diprediksi berpotensi memicu gempa dan tsunami di wilayah Kota Padang. »

Undangan Perayaan Natal FKNO Se-Jabodetabek

Tuesday, January 17, 2012
By susuwongi
Undangan Perayaan Natal FKNO Se-Jabodetabek

Bagi masyarakat Nias di wilayah Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang dan Bekasi (Jabodetabek), diundang untuk menghadiri Ibadah Syukur dan Perayaan Hari Natal 2011 dan Tahun Baru 2011 yang digelar oleh Forum Komunikasi Niha Keriso Ono Niha (FKNO) se-Jabodetabek. »

Scientists cannot predict the exact time (when) an earthquake will strike

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
By Redaksi
Scientists cannot predict the exact time (when) an earthquake will strike

Jakarta (Nias Online) – Scientists are not able to determine the exact time (hour, date, and year) when an eartquake will strike a certain region. Such a prediction is false and will never come from credibel experts in the field. This statement comes from two leading earthquake experts Prof. Kerry Edward Sieh and Dr. Danny... »

Govt, MDF launches final rehab projects in Nias

Saturday, July 31, 2010
By nias

Nias, North Sumatra – Five years after the magnitude-8.8 earthquake that devastated the North Sumatra island of Nias, the central government and Multi Donor Fund of the World Bank launched Friday their last three projects on rehabilitation and reconstruction program in the area. The projects, worth US$24 million, comprise Nias Islands Transition Project, Nias... »

Vacancy as Community Health Coordination

Wednesday, March 31, 2010
By fune
Vacancy as Community Health Coordination

Medical Teams International is a non-profit organization, which serves to bring aid and medical care to those in need worldwide. We are looking for people who are skilled, passionate, determined and experienced for the positions below: Community Health Coordinator (Code: CHC) Duty station: Nias Selatan She/He will supervise the Health Facilitators and will plan... »

Rabies declared endemic in Nias Island

Sunday, March 14, 2010
By fune
Rabies declared endemic in Nias Island

The Jakarta Post | Tue, 03/09/2010 3:46 PM | National North Sumatra Animal Husbandry Agency head Teti Erlina Lubis said Tuesday that she had declared rabies endemic in Nias Island following the recent death of a local health agency head due to a bite from a rabies-infected dog. North Nias health agency chairman Christian... »

Nias demands self-governance

Sunday, February 21, 2010
By nias

Four regencies and a mayoralty in Nias Islands have agreed to go ahead with their aspiration to set up an autonomous province separated from North Sumatra mainland. »

RCHN-NTU Visits Pulau Nias

Thursday, January 14, 2010
By nias
RCHN-NTU Visits Pulau Nias

Pulau Nias was hit by both Asian Tsunami and Sumatra earthquake in 2004 and 2005 respectively. As part of our official mission trip to Pulau Nias, we had a chance to talk to the locals as they shared their experience on coping with the aftermath of both disasters. »

Little things still matter

Monday, December 21, 2009
By nias

THE modest grey bricked building looks a world away from its counterpart across road, where shiny blue glass panes are framed by freshly scrubbed walls. »

Nias Statue Smuggling Rethwarted

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
By nias

MEDAN – Resort police of Sibolga city again thwarted the illegal selling of Nias tribe megalithic statues. The human shaped statues were about to be sold by someone with initials WE (47) to Medan. The Nias statue selling has occurred repeatedly through land and sea. »

Preserving local culture

Monday, October 12, 2009
By nias

Nias, an island to the west of Sumatra, is known as home to a living megalithic culture with its iconic hombo batu (stone jumping) tradition portrayed in an Rp 1,000 banknote in the early 1990s. »

Bringing hope to poor villagers

Thursday, August 27, 2009
By nias

A group of caring Coolum people will head to Indonesia next month to help poor villagers living on the islands of west Sumatra. »

Quake energy has potential to further rattle West Sumatra

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
By nias

Padang, W Sumatra (ANTARA News) – A series of aftershocks which rattled West Sumatra province on Sunday and Monday (Aug 16 and 17) followed the quakes which struck the region back in 2007. »

Indonesia: Toilets and tap stands change lives in Nias

Saturday, August 1, 2009
By nias
Indonesia: Toilets and tap stands change lives in Nias

*A Red Cross water and sanitation programme on Nias Island is making a dramatic difference to the daily lives of local. By Ahmad Husein, Communications Coordinator, IFRC Jakarta, Indonesia Sabaria Lasse, 49, always looks enthusiastic every time people asking about her new latrine. It is a half brick and wood construction situated behind her... »

Kalender Berita

January 2025