SOS: Nias Online in the State of Excessive CPU Usage
Last Friday (9 October 2009) was a bad day for Nias Online, it was suspended by its host. The reason: Excessive CPU Usage. »
Expression of Time in Nias Tradition
About 30 years ago, before watches and clocks (aralozi / tandra luo) were common things for Nias people, they usually relied on ’pragmatic’ ways to estimate time of day. »
Nias — not just stone jumping and surfing
Sunday, December 30, 2007 George Junus Aditjondro Stone jumping (hombo batu) and surfing are the two most well-known attractions for tourists coming to the island of Nias, 75 miles west of Sumatera, which only take place in Teluk Dalam on Nias’ south coast. Young Nias men jump over 2-meters stone walls for Rp 50,000,... »
The Genetics of Nias – Concepts and First Data
Note: In 2002 and 2003 Ingo Kennerknecht visited Nias for a research on the origins of Nias people. The preliminary results of this research was presented by Ingo Kennerknecht at the Conference on Traditional Architecture And Art On Nias at the Museum for Ethnology, Vienna, October 30th & 31st 2006. The following... »
Analyzing Major Indonesian Earthquakes
Science Daily — Researchers from Oregon State University and an Indonesian science center are collaborating on a pioneering project to analyze the history of great earthquakes and tsunamis on the Sunda subduction zone, along the western margin of Sumatra and Java — site of one of the most devastating tsunamis in modern history. »
Ho, the Window to the Ancient Nias – A critical and mythological analysis
After the publication in 2001 of Fr. Johannes Hammerle’s “Asal Usul Masyarakat Nias – Suatu Interpretasi†(The Origins of Nias People – An Interpretation), a new book: “Ho Jendela Nias Kuno – Sebuah Kajian Kritis Mitologis†(Ho, the Window to the Ancient Nias – A critical and mythological analysis) on the same topic written... »