Beasiswa S-1 Universitas Pelita Harapan Jakarta

Thursday, April 15, 2010
By fune

UPH Scholarships

Applicants must pass either from Direct Admission or Admission Test in order to apply the UPH Scholarship

UPH offers 3 types of scholarship:
1. Academic Achievement (must be Rank 1)
2. Sport and Art Achievement (must be at least Rank 2)
3. Financial Limited Condition (must be at least Rank 2)

Offline Procedure:
1. Purchase Registration Form at affiliated school or UPH address below :

UPH Lippo Village
Undergraduate Admission Center
UPH Global Campus, Building D, 1st Floor
Jl. M.H. Thamrin Boulevard 1100
Lippo Village, Tangerang 15811-Indonesia
Phone: +62 21 547 0901
Fax: +62 21 5421 3298
Toll Free: 0-800-1-010203
email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

UPH Surabaya
Jl. Jend. A. Yani no.288
City of Tommorow
Surabaya 60234-Indonesia
Phone: +62 31 5825 1007-10
Fax: +62 31 5825 1020
email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

2. Online Procedure

1. Login to :
2. Fill in the Registration Form and print the replied email from the System.

For Music Department applicant, please download Recommendation Form below :
Recommendation Form.pdf (English) or
- Formulir Rekomendasi.pdf (Indonesia)

For Scholarship Applicant, please download Scholarship Form.pdf

Step 2 : Complete the Required Document

1.General Requirement
-Two recent headshots (black-and-white / colored) size 3 x 4 cm.
-A copy of a valid id card (residence identification card / KTP) / student id card / driving license.
-A copy of high school academic record grade 10 to 11 and legalized by the principal.
-A copy of the national examination (UAN) from junior high school and legalized by the principal/school.
-Admission statement.
-Direct Admission form & requirements.
-For the Music faculty : VCD/DVD + recommendation letter + composition for Composition
-For (FDTP): 3 pcs drawing portfolio (excl. civil engineering) + 1 page essay “Statement of

Incomplete requirements WILL NOT BE PROCESSED and will be returned for you to complete.

Download General Requirement checklist

Scholarship Additional Requirement (for Scholarship Applicant Only)
A. General Requirements for All Scholarship Categories
-Scholarship form & requirements
-Completed UPH scholarship application form
-Legalized copy of academic report (Grade 10 & 11 High School)
-Legalized copy UAN SMP
-Legalized copy of Highschool NEM
-Legalized copy of Highschool certificate
-Recomendation Letter from the school’s Principal, scholarship applicant should be in between rank 1-10
-Copy of Residential I.D/Driver’s License/Sudent I.D.
-Copy of Family Card (KK)
-Two Recent Headshots size 3X4 cm
-Application letter to the UPH Scholarship Committee, signed and acknowledge by parents.
-Biodata / Curriculum Vitae
-A 500-word English essay on “Why I choose X Study Program as a Stepping Stone for “My Career”
-3 pcs Portfolio Design for Product Design, Interior Design, Design and Visual Communication, Architecture, Civil Engineering
-VCD/DVD Audition for Music Department & Recommendation Form from Music Course/ School

B. Specific Requirements for Sports and Art Scholarship
Sports :
-Recommendation letter from the Indonesian National Committee for Sports (KONI-National regional) or other national / province sports organization.
-Award certificate/trophy/medallion/certificate of performance (minimum at province level)
Music :
-Award certificate/trophy/medallion/certificate of performance (minimum at province level)

C. Specific Requirements for Limited Financial Scholarship
-A letter to state the financial condition of the family issued by:
a. RT/RW/Kelurahan (for Non Christian/Catholics)
b. Church/Christian Foundation/Religious Organization (for Christian/Catholic)
-Copy of electricity bills for the last three months.
-Copy of water bills for the last three months.
-Copy of house telephone bills for the last three months.
-Copy of Land and Building Tax (PBB) proof of payment.
-Copy of parent’s payslip or certificate of income

Incomplete requirements WILL NOT BE PROCESSED and will be returned for you to complete.

Step 3 : Submission

1. Submit all requirement documents, by mail or come to our :

UPH Lippo Village
Undergraduate Admission Center
UPH Global Campus, Building D, 1st Floor
Jl. M.H. Thamrin Boulevard 1100
Lippo Village, Tangerang 15811-Indonesia
Phone: +62 21 547 0901
Fax: +62 21 5421 3298
Toll Free: 0-800-1-010203
email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

2.For direct admission applicant (from National School), please wait maximum 14 working days after you submit your application.

USM schedule

Term 4: Saturday, 24th April 2010
Term 5 Friday, 28th May 2010
Term 6 Friday, 25th June 2010
Term 7 Friday, 30th July 2010

Admission Test Regulations

1 During the UPH Admission test, prospective students must dress appropriately, wear covered footwear, be ready in the test room, and sit in the assigned seats 15 minutes before the test is scheduled to start.
2 Test takers must bring the following identification to be shown to the test supervisor :
a. Admission Test Card
b. A valid identification Card ( Residence Identification Card / KTP, Driver’s Licence or other forms of identification bearing the photo of the prospective student)
3 Test takers who do not bring the UPH Admission Test Card must seek special permission from POSKO.
4 Maximum lateness is 30 minutes. Late arrivals do not receive extra time and must hand in their test with the others for those who are later than 30 minutes, must seek special permission from POSKO.
5 Personal items permitted to be taken to the test room :
a. Writing utensils (pen, No. 2B type pencil, eraser)
b. Calculator
6 Rules of conduct during the test :
a. Test takers shall not a communicate with one another or any manner whatsoever during the admission test.
b. Test takers shall not Assist or obtain assistance from other students or from any unauthorized source or they are liable for penalties.
c. During the examination test takers must obtain permission from the test supervisor before leaving the test room.
7 Prospective students should only use the official UPH answer sheet received at the test site.
8 At the conclusion of the test, all writing shall cease. Students are to remain in their seats until the test supervisor collects the test papers.
9 Carrying of weapons and smoking are strictly forbidden in UPH area.
10 Misconduct :
A prospective student may be expelled if engaging in any misconduct with respect to the prohibited conduct outlined in this policy. Expelled students will be withdrawn from admission.

Step 4

Check your Acceptance Status at :

Important Note:

* Failed applicant (Direct Admission) can register again by restart the Registration Procedure from step no.1 and undergone an admission test.


6 Responses to “Beasiswa S-1 Universitas Pelita Harapan Jakarta”

  1. beasiswa

    informasi beasiswa menarik dan yang saya cari makasih admin.

  2. Abdul

    adakah beasiswa u karyawan di S2?
    harapan saya, bisa bergabung di UPH Surabaya
    makasih atas infonya..

  3. harapan saya sangat besar di uph

  4. tri ratna sari

    tolong uph memberi kabar tentang beasiswa 100% jurusan nursing yang ikatan dinas dengan international hospital
    kami berharap besar.terima kasih

  5. adiesti

    mohon info,apakah tahun 2012 ada program beasiswa seperti ini lagi?sangat tertarik masuk music conservatory UPH.thanks.

  6. asza


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    HUB 0888 0910 9981


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Kalender Berita

April 2010