The Faculty of Engineering Technology has about 270 employees and 1500 students and consists of three departments: Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Industrial Engineering. The Thermal Engineering group is part of the Mechanical Engineering department. The Thermal Engineering group conducts pioneering research and teaches in the area of thermodynamics, energy conversion technologies and transport... »
Archive for February 14th, 2008
Komite Sekolah & Masyarakat Tolak Pemindahan Lokasi Pembangunan Gedung Sekolah SDN 076707 Umbu Sisarahili
Thursday, February 14th, 2008
Nias (SIB) Komite SDN 076707 Umbu Sisarahili bersama warga Desa Umbu Sisarahili Kecamatan Gomo Kabupaten Nias Selatan, Selasa (12/2) mendatangi Kantor Perwakilan BRR Regional VI Nias menolak pemindahan lokasi gedung SDN No.076707 Umbu Sisarahili Kecamatan Gomo. »
Salah Seorang Pelajar SMP Gunungsitoli yang Hilang Kembali ke Rumah
Thursday, February 14th, 2008
Gunungsitoli, (Analisa) Mekaraman Zebua alias Meka (15), salah seorang dari dua pelajar SMP Negeri 5 Gunungsitoli yang hilang, beberapa waktu lalu, kini telah pulang ke rumah orangtuanya. »