e8 Scholarships
Setiap tahun, e8 memberikan beasiswa untuk mahasiswa tingkat master untuk studi dan peneliti pascadoktoral untuk melakukan riset pascadoktoral di bidang pengembangan energi berkelanjutan di pusat-pusat riset di seluruh dunia. Dana beasiswa untuk tingkat master US$ 23,000.- per tahun (selama dua tahun) dan untuk tingkat pascadoctoral US$ 30,000 per tahun selama dua tahun. Kesempatan ini terbuka juga untuk warga negara Indonesia. Silahkan mencoba.
What is the purpose of the e8 scholarship?
The purpose of the e8 scholarship is to support outstanding students pursuing advanced studies in sustainable energy development and to encourage meaningful contributions to the collective body of knowledge about this subject.
The e8 considers an outstanding student to be one
* who graduates with excellent grades in the top 20% of her/his class
* who is determined to advance her/his knowledge and understanding
* who has a history of community involvement
* who is committed to sustainable energy
* who is committed to return and contribute to her/his home country
Who is eligible?
To be eligible to apply for this scholarship, students must
- plan to undertake studies at the Masters level or Post-Doctoral level in areas directly related to sustainable energy development
- be citizens of the developing countries and territories identified for OECD official development aid in the DAC List of ODA Recipients effective as of 2006
What are the levels of financial assistance and the duration of the scholarships?
Scholarships of US$ 23,000 per year for up to two years are offered for Masters level students. Scholarships of US$ 30,000 per year for up to two years are offered for Post-Doctoral students. Up to two Post-Doc and ten Masters scholarships will be awarded annually.
How can I apply?
Information and the application form can be obtained online by clicking on this link to the Application Forms page or from the e8 General Secretariat, 1155 Metcalfe Street, Suite 1120, Montreal, Quebec, H3B 2V6, Canada, or +1 (514) 392-8876 (tel), +1 (514) 392-8900 (fax) or by e-mail.
Sumber: e8 website
I need more information about this scholarship by send me message by my email. i interest to apply for one of University to get more knowledge.
Please assistance me to get more information this website with Scholarship Info by my address email. More of scholarship offer good news but sometime limited with time and application letter, attachment. If possible please reduce with procedure.
Promotion by Press especially in University… I m local people from one of area disaster because damage Tsunami hopefully to get opportunities of this Programme.
Lily & Marlina,
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Dear Redaksi,
Makasih atas responnya. Hari ini saya coba browsing di link yang redaksi maksud tapi ga bisa katanya “404 not found./admin/editeur/editor/index.jsp was not on this server”. Gimana caranya ya,,,Sorry for lack of IT heheheehehe…X
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