Publication Date:12/08/2006 Section:Front Page By Edwin Hsiao A supervisory delegation from Taiwan inspected the progress of reconstruction work in several sites of tsunami-stricken Sri Lanka and Indonesia Nov. 28-Dec. 2, almost two years after the catastrophe devastated several South and Southeast Asian countries and killed more than 200,000 people. »
Archive for December 8th, 2006
Masyarakat Pakpak Silima Suak Tolak Bergabung Dengan Protap
Friday, December 8th, 2006
Medan, WASPADA Online Sejumlah elemen masyarakat Pakpak Silima Suak menyatakan menolak penggabungan Kab. Dairi dan Pakpak Bharat ke dalam Provinsi Tapanuli (Protap), yang diwacanakan. »